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Music is an integral part of worship at GPC. We welcome all who want to participate in praising God with song to join the choir, chimers, children's choir and/or special holiday performances. The choir sings weekly under the leadership of one of our co-directors of music. Talent with musical instruments is also welcome.


Gospel Group

Special Music

Sheet Music


Church Bells

The Choir sings weekly September through May. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings. Anthems include both traditional and contemporary in SAB and SATB. A cantata or special music is prepared for Christmas and Easter seasons. Novices and experiences singers are welcome! Contact the Minister of Music for more information about joining the choir.  

During the summer and special seasons of the Church year, we are blessed with vocal and instrumental solos. Additionally, our children love to sing in a choir!

Our chimers are led by our volunteer Director Sallie Horner. They provide anthems or augment congregational singing throughout the year. For more information on joining the Chimers, contact the Music Director

Music Ministery

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