Local Mission
We believe Georgetown Presbyterian is called to help those in our community. This can mean leading an outreach project or helping an individual. We also support local organizations whose goals align with our mission. Recent programs:
Christmas cookies to members who are shut-in
Crisis House Emergency Shelter, Georgetown
Delmarva Christian Writers Association, conference scholarship
Emergency Shelter – a month of soup meals,December Hanging of the Socks, new, warm socks To-go food bags during COVID
Georgetown Aid – collaboration on referrals
Good Ole Boys Foundation – assistance for Rigbie Fire victims in Laurel
Harrison House of Georgetown - Christmas cookies to members and to staff
Hats & Mittens at Christmas – hosted by Don’s Tree Farm
Office of the Child Advocate, scholarship to youth transitioning from foster care
Peace Week Rally & Peace Pole placement
Manor House, Seaford - Christmas cookies to members and to staff
Matthew 25 Fund
Sussex Correctional Institute – Christmas cards through SCI Chaplain
Wesley U. Methodist Church – Food pantry